Leslie v Femagra Industries Ltd et Al

JudgeShanks, J.
Judgment Date16 April 2000
CourtHigh Court (Belize)
Docket Number373 of 1998
Date16 April 2000

High Court

Shanks, J.

373 of 1998

Femagra Industries Limited et al

Pitts & Elrington for the plaintiff.

Barrow & Williams for the defendant.

Contract - Contract for the supply of goods — Claim on the outstanding invoice balance — Finding that in the absence of other evidence the defendant was liable for the amount claimed.

Shanks, J.

This is a claim for $27,056.40 said to be outstanding on Invoice No. 12796 dated 16th November, 1995 for a total of $31,243 for goods sold and delivered by the plaintiff to the defendants. It is essentially a debt collecting and accounting exercise.


The plaintiff produced a copy of his ledger and an original white copy of the invoice in question and gave evidence that the only payments made by the defendants towards the invoice were some small amounts noted in the invoice which leaves $27,056.40 over. In the absence of other evidence, I would have had no hesitation in accepting that what the plaintiff told me was true and accurate.


The second defendant produced what appeared to be copy receipts produced from her own book of payment vouchers. These were accepted as having been signed by the plaintiff's driver. They showed the following payments against the words “Pago de Pactura #12796.”

There was also a form of receipt signed by the plaintiff himself dated 28th December, 1995 relating to a cheque made out to the defendant's daughter which stated, “Reposition de cheque con valor de $6,500.00 a favor de Louis Leslie”. The defendant said this represented a further payment of $6,500.00. I...

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